Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Where No Man Has Gone Before!!

As a Techie, I am also a Trekkie. I love to watch Trek and am fascinated by space. On July 1, I will have the opportunity view a shuttle launch while on vacation in the Orlando area. We are going to spend that day at Cape Canaveral. I can't wait. Seeing a shuttle launch is on the list of things to see before I die, so I can cross off at least one. I am dragging my wife and step-daughter to see it as well. Even though I don't think they will enjoy it the way I will, they are going just to satisfy my interest. To me, this is one of the most exciting things I think I have ever seen. I eagerly await the trip so I can see the shuttle in person and visit the Kennedy Space Center.

I was just visiting NASA.gov and see that they are talking about the second female mission commander ever. Air Force Col. Pamela A. Melroy will be the mission commander of STS-120.  One of the reasons I was excited about seeing a shuttle launch is that I thought they had decommissioned the shuttle fleet. But now they are saying that Col. Melroy's mission will be aboard the shuttle Atlantis. Maybe they haven't decommissioned the fleet yet.

Now if I could just get to the Space Station.......



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